Let It Glow
Exploring the concept of memory

Feel the Glow
2022, 12x16, acrylic on canvas
"Feel the Glow" is a painting about the immortality of happy childhood memories. Growing up I'd paint my nails with glow-in-the-dark nail polish, run to a light, then run to the dark and watch my nails light up. I'd excitedly run back and forth with my mom or friends and just have so much fun watching our hands dance around in the dark. I did this again with my little cousins recently and their joy in watching all of our nails glowing brought me right back to being a kid. We all happily giggled and ran back to the light to recharge our glowing nails. I used glow-in-the-dark paint on these nails so they glow just like mine would. I wanted to show that whimsy in this painting with neon colors and the sort of lens flares that frame a memory when you reach back into your mind to visit them. For a minute you can dip right back into that time just as the hands are dipping back into that glowing dark. That warm feeling that goes along with these kinds of happy memories, especially from childhood, lives on even if everything has changed since then. No matter what, you can always feel that glow.